Product details:
Title: Taxpayers’ Duty to Pay Taxes
Language: Portuguese
Authors: Marciano Seabra de Godoi and Sergio Andréa Rocha
Publisher: DPlácido
Publication date: 2017
Edition number: 1
Number of pages: 280
About the book:
One of the most controversial topics in tax theory, the thesis of the Portuguese Professor, José Casalta Nabais, titled The Constitutional Obligation to Pay Taxes (“O Dever Fundamental de Pagar Impostos”), was the focus of a recent book edited by Sergio André with Professor Marciano Seabra de Godoi, from the Catholic University of Minas Gerais. The book as the result of a semester of research in the Masters/Ph.D tax program at the Rio de Janeiro State University and aimed at clarifying the Brazilian reader regarding the reach of Professor Nabais’ theory and how Brazilian courts are using it. To access the book free of charge, click here.