Product details:

Title: A Pandemia do Coronavírus no Brasil em sua Dimensão Financeira e Tributária
Language: Portuguese
Editors: Hugo de Brito Machado Segundo, Marciano Seabra de Godoi, Marcos Aurélio Pereira Valadão, Onofre Alves Batista Júnior, Sergio André Rocha
Publisher: D`Plácido
Publication date: 2020
Edition number: 1
Number of pages: 728

About the book:

In six months, the COVID-19 pandemic claimed the lives of more than 120,000 Brazilians, in an unprecedented health and social catastrophe. In order to evaluate and analyze the financial and tax aspects of the pandemic, as well as to propose lines of action and fiscal confrontation of this very serious problem, the organizers of the work went to great lengths to offer the reader a rich and varied range of studies and research. The present volume consists of 36 studies prepared by 52 authors, with a strong presence and performance in the university academy (professors and students of 11 stricto sensu graduate programs in Law), in tax administration, in public and private law, in judiciary and administrative judgment bodies.

All books

Terms Not Defined in International Tax Treaties

Terms Not Defined in International Tax Treaties

Controversial Issues in CARF

Controversial Issues in CARF

Fundamentals of Brazilian Tax Law (3nd Ed.)

Fundamentals of Brazilian Tax Law (3nd Ed.)

Brazil’s International Tax Policy (2nd Ed.)

Brazil’s International Tax Policy (2nd Ed.)

Tax Planning in CARF’s Decisions (2nd Ed.)

Tax Planning in CARF’s Decisions (2nd Ed.)

Fundamentals of Brazilian Tax Law (2nd Ed.)

Fundamentals of Brazilian Tax Law (2nd Ed.)

Taxation, Public Finance and Development (Essays)

Taxation, Public Finance and Development (Essays)

Brazil’s International Tax Policy

Brazil’s International Tax Policy

Tax Treaty Interpretation: Challenges in a Post-BEPS Multilateral World

Tax Treaty Interpretation: Challenges in a Post-BEPS Multilateral World

Taxation of Foreign Controlled Companies

Taxation of Foreign Controlled Companies

Accounting, IFRS and Taxation

Accounting, IFRS and Taxation

International Taxation and Digitalization of the Economy

International Taxation and Digitalization of the Economy

Tax Planning and Non-simulated Freedom

Tax Planning and Non-simulated Freedom

Intersections Between Finance Law and Tax Law

Intersections Between Finance Law and Tax Law

Tax Planning and Non-simulated Freedom

Tax Planning and Non-simulated Freedom

A Multilateral Convention for Tax: From Theory to Implementation

A Multilateral Convention for Tax: From Theory to Implementation

Public The Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil in its Public Finance and Tax Dimensions

Public The Covid-19 Pandemic in Brazil in its Public Finance and Tax Dimensions

Public Finance and Taxation in Ricardo Lobo Torres

Public Finance and Taxation in Ricardo Lobo Torres

Fundamentals of Tax Law in Brazil

Fundamentals of Tax Law in Brazil

Tax Planning According to Marco Aurélio Greco

Tax Planning According to Marco Aurélio Greco

Tax Planning in CARF’s Decisions

Tax Planning in CARF’s Decisions

Taxation of the Digital Economy

Taxation of the Digital Economy

Administrative Tax Procedures

Administrative Tax Procedures

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume V

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume V

Tax Planning: Limits and Challenges

Tax Planning: Limits and Challenges

Taxpayers’ Duty to Pay Taxes

Taxpayers’ Duty to Pay Taxes

From the Law to the Decision

From the Law to the Decision

Brazil’s International Tax Policy

Brazil’s International Tax Policy

Tax Sovereignty in the BEPS Era

Tax Sovereignty in the BEPS Era

Taxation of CFC Income

Taxation of CFC Income

Studies on International Taxation

Studies on International Taxation

Essays on International Taxation in Honor of Professor Alberto Xavier

Essays on International Taxation in Honor of Professor Alberto Xavier

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume IV

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume IV

Studies on Tax Law

Studies on Tax Law

Exchange of Tax-Related Information

Exchange of Tax-Related Information

Taxation of CFC Income

Taxation of CFC Income

International Taxation

International Taxation

Interpretation of Double Taxation Conventions

Interpretation of Double Taxation Conventions

Textbook on International Taxation

Textbook on International Taxation

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume III

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume III

Textbook onTax Law

Textbook onTax Law

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume II

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume II

Administrative Tax Procedures

Administrative Tax Procedures

Interpretation of Double Tax Conventions

Interpretation of Double Tax Conventions

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume I

Tax Law, Corporate Law, and the Modifications to the Corporations Statute Volume I

Legality and Standardization in Tax Law

Legality and Standardization in Tax Law

Administrative Tax Process: Essays in Honor of Professor Aurélio Pitanga Seixas Filho

Administrative Tax Process: Essays in Honor of Professor Aurélio Pitanga Seixas Filho

Treaty Override in Brazil’s Legal System

Treaty Override in Brazil’s Legal System

Economic Integration and Tax Harmonization

Economic Integration and Tax Harmonization