Product details:
Title: A Pandemia do Coronavírus no Brasil em sua Dimensão Financeira e Tributária
Language: Portuguese
Editors: Hugo de Brito Machado Segundo, Marciano Seabra de Godoi, Marcos Aurélio Pereira Valadão, Onofre Alves Batista Júnior, Sergio André Rocha
Publisher: D`Plácido
Publication date: 2020
Edition number: 1
Number of pages: 728
About the book:
In six months, the COVID-19 pandemic claimed the lives of more than 120,000 Brazilians, in an unprecedented health and social catastrophe. In order to evaluate and analyze the financial and tax aspects of the pandemic, as well as to propose lines of action and fiscal confrontation of this very serious problem, the organizers of the work went to great lengths to offer the reader a rich and varied range of studies and research. The present volume consists of 36 studies prepared by 52 authors, with a strong presence and performance in the university academy (professors and students of 11 stricto sensu graduate programs in Law), in tax administration, in public and private law, in judiciary and administrative judgment bodies.