On February 22 and 23 of 2018 Sergio André will teach the workshop “Applied International Taxation”. The workshop will be held in Rio de Janeiro, but attendees from other regions will be able to join online. To view the program of the workshop (in Portuguese), click here. Further information can be obtained at inscricoes@cursocead.com.br.
Seminar Discussed Brazil’s Supreme Court’s Tax Precedents
On December 1 IBMEC held the Seminar Tax Law at Brazil’s Supreme Court: Analysis of Relevant Precedents. At this event Sergio André spoke about the Supreme Court’s decisions on the limits of losses carry-back. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Sergio André Organized a Seminar on the O&G Industry’s New Tax Rules
On November 30, Sergio André organized the Seminar New Tax Rules to the O&G Industry, in which controversies regarding the Provisional Measure No. 795 of 2017 were discussed. Mario Nascimento, partner from Deloitte, Gustavo Braga, from Schmidt, Valois, Miranda, Ferreira, Agel, and Leonardo Alvim, Adjunct Tax Attorney-General. Sergio André spoke about the new tax rules applicable to charter parties. To view Sergio’s presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Tax Seminar in Belo Horizonte Debated the Challenges of International Taxation Post-BEPS
Sergio André Rocha spoke at the International Seminar on the BEPS Action-Plan: Current Outcomes and Future Challenges, held at the Catholic University in Minas Gerais (PUC-MG). Brazilian and foreign professors joined the seminar, which also had the participation of practitioners and representatives of Brazil’s Revenue authorities. Sergio André spoke about the interaction between Brazil’s transfer pricing ruled and the OECD standards post-BEPS. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Presentation on Indirect Taxation and Download of Software
Last November 16, Sergio André spoke at the Congress “Tax Litigation in Debate”, which was organized by the Rio de Janeiro chapter of the Bar Association and the Rio de Janeiro Federation of industries. The topic of the presentation was indirect taxation and the download of software. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Taxation and IFRS 15: Lecture at FEA-RP – USP
Last October 19, Sergio André Rocha spoke at the III Workshop of Tax Accounting organized by the Economics, Management and Accounting Department of the Ribeirão Preto campus of the University of São Paulo. The focus of the presentation was the relationship between IFRS accounting and taxation, with special emphasis on the potential impacts of the IFRS 15 (Revenue from Contracts with Customers). To access the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Sergio André Spoke About the Future of the Administrative Tax Review
Sergio André spoke during the seminar “New Carf: critical analysis of federal administrative tax litigation”, which was held by the Catholic University in Minas Gerais and the Institute of Tax Studies. His intervention focused on the future of the administrative tax review.
IFA Rio de Janeiro
As general reporter for the Subject 2 (The Future of Transfer Pricing), Sergio André joined the plenary session of the IFA Congress in Rio, held on August 27, 2017. To view the presentation of Subject 2, click here.
Participation in the Third CARF Seminar on Tax Law and Customs
On August 23, Sergio André spoke at the Third Seminar on Tax Law and Customs held by the Federal Council of Tax Appeals (“CARF”). His presentation covered the tax implications of mergers of shares. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Sergio André Rocha Taught Class on Tax Planning at the Tax Academy
Sergio André Rocha participated in the course on tax planning held by the Tax Academy in São Paulo. His class was about decisions regarding tax panning issued by Brazil’s Administrative Council for Tax Appeals. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.