Sergio André spoke about the tax challenges in the 21st century, with focus on the possibility of a robot tax. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here. To watch the seminar, click here.
Seminars on Tax Planning
On April 24 Sergio André participated in two seminars on tax planning, together with Professor Marco Aurélio Greco. The first seminar was organized by the Bar Association in Rio de Janeiro, while the second was organized by the Tax Prosecutors Office (”PGFN”). These seminars marked the release of the books “Tax Planning in Marco Aurélio Greco’s Theory” (“Planejamento Tributário na Obra de Marco Aurélio Greco”), authored by Sergio André Rocha, and “Tax Planning” (“Planejamento Tributário”), authored by Marco Aurélio Greco.
Debates about Tax Planning
On April 24 Sergio André Rocha and Professor Marco Aurélio Greco participated in two debates about tax planning. The first one was organized by Brazil’s bar association in Rio de Janeiro and the other by Brazil’s Tax Litigators’ Office.
IV International Tax Law Congress of Rio de Janeiro
Sergio André Rocha joined the panel “Brazil’s Insertion in the International Tax Scene and its Accession to the OECD”, in the IV International Tax Law Congress of Rio de Janeiro. To view Sergio André’s presentation click here.
Annual Lecture at the University of Amsterdam/IBFD’s Advanced Master’s in International Tax Law
On March 20, 2019, Sergio André was at the IBFD for his annual lecture at the Advanced Master’s in International Tax Law organized by University of Amsterdam and the IBFD. The topic of the lecture was “Treaty Policy: with Special Focus on Technical Services and Royalties”. To view the presentation used during the class click here.
CEAD and Sergio André Organized Seminar about the New Income Tax Regulation
CEAD and Sergio André Organized a seminar covering some of the main aspects of the new income tax regulation. The event was held at IBMEC, in Rio de Janeiro. In addition to coordinating the seminar, Sergio André spoke about the international tax-related provisions of the new income tax regulation. To view the presentations of the seminar (in Portuguese), click here.
2018 Tax Issues in Review 2
Sergio André spoke at the Seminar “2018 Developments in Tax Law”, which was organized by ABDF (Brazil’s IFA Branch) on December 10, 2018. He participated in the panel on “Tax Court’s Decisions on Tax Planning”.
2018 Tax Issues in Review 1
ABRADT and Escola Superior Dom Helder Câmara organized the Seminar 2018 Tax Issues in Review, which was held on December 07, 2018, in Belo Horizonte. Sergio André spoke at the panel on developments in CARF’s decisions.
The Federal Tax Attorney’s Office Held a Seminar in Rio de Janeiro
The Federal Tax Attorney’s Office of the Second Region organized a seminar in Rio de Janeiro to debate relevant issues in public finance and taxation. Sergio André delivered a speech on “The New Paradigms of Tax Planning”. To view the presentation (in Portuguese), click here.
Sergio André Spoke at a Seminar Organized by DRJ/RJ
Sergio André was one of the speakers in the seminar “Legal Reasoning and Dispute Resolution”, which was organized by the First Instance Tax Court in Rio de Janeiro (“DRJ/RJ”). He joined the opening panel and spoke about current trends in administrative procedures and the implementation of mutual agreement procedures in Brazil.